NEW! Airbrush Hybrid Tint Training + Brow mapping

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NEW! Airbrush Hybrid Tint Training + Brow mapping

NEW! Airbrush Hybrid Tint Training + Brow mapping

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During the Airbrush Hybrid Tint training you will learn how to use the new Airbrush and Hybrid paint products and developer, how to mix colors and practice on your model.

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SKU: 8263
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Belangrijkste voordelen van deze training

  • Become a Airbrush Hybrid Tint expert in one day.
  • Full attention because of the small groups
  • Trained by the best trainers
  • Starter kit included
  • Certificate included


De Airbrush Hybrid Brows is de nieuwste trend van 2024!

De Airbrush Hybrid Tint training is bedoeld voor stylisten die al ervaring hebben met het behandelen van wenkbrauwen. Tijdens deze training leer je de ins en outs van het aanbrengen van de nieuwe Lash eXtend Hybrid Tint producten en developer met de Airbrush en ontvang je aanvullende productinformatie. Voor deze training is 1 model nodig.

De Hybride verf kleurt de huid tot 7 dagen* en de wenkbrauwharen/wimpers tot 7 weken. De kleuren kunnen worden gemengd om de meest perfecte tint voor uw klanten te verkrijgen.

✓ Veilig: Vrij van ammoniak, vrij van parabenen en elke vorm van dierenmishandeling.
✓ Kan gebruikt worden in combinatie met Brow Lamination.

9:00 uur 17:00 uur
- Theorie - Kleurentheorie en keuze
- Brow Mapping
- Airbush-applicatie en instellingen
- Contra-indicaties
- Wenkbrauwstyling
- Demo

Artikelnummer: 8263

Module List

This course consists of a theoretical module as well as a practice module where you train on a real model.

Training Kit

The products you will need to become a Lash eXtend Hybrid Tint specialist are coming with the training. The Starterkit is included with the training and will be handed out to you at the start of the training.

After the training you will receive your certificate for Airbrush Hybrid Tint training

Cursus FAQ

Yes, you will have arrange and to bring your own model to the training. 
No, the training will be during a morning or an afternoon. (before or after lunch time)
Yes, we have a limited amount of free parking spaces available at the training location.
Yes, for this training you will receive your certificate right away, at the end of the training day.