Bio yvonne van wieren, ceo & founder lash extend.
Since her childhood Yvonne has taken an interest in make-up and beauty. Back in 2010 she experienced first-hand how it felt to get a new set of eyelash extensions. She instantly knew she wanted to offer this feeling to many more women and the idea of starting a company sell and distribute quality eyelash products was born. Several years of meticulous planning, getting trained by some big names in the industry, finding the best suppliers, creating a product line and a well thought out brand image, the webshop was made and Lash eXtend was officially founded. The company went live on January 1st 2013, in the middle of the financial crisis, but nothing could stop her. She assembled a small team of dedicated people who were teaming up with her and from there on the company experienced a steep and steady growth.
In the meantime Lash eXtend has 3 business divisions. The wholesale division, taking care of shipments of everything that is needed to apply eyelash extensions. Currently the product portfolio consists of more than 700 different products which are delivered from stock. On a daily basis many orders are being processed in the new headquarters in Bunschoten, the Netherlands and parcels are being sent worldwide. The second division takes care of training and education, through which Yvonne and her team trained thousands of national and international lash technicians in a number of different techniques. Third is the competition grade Salon, where the Lash eXtend trainers improve their knowledge and skills and practice to take part in international battles.
After organizing the highly anticipated and successful Lash Conference 2015 and a second edition in 2016, Yvonne took on the challenge in 2017 to organize the Lash World Cup 2018 in Amsterdam. During this event teams from all over the world participated and several hundreds of lash stylists battled against each other during a number of competitions in different techniques. She even organized a country team battle, where lash stylists could team up and take on the teams of other countries to defend the country honor. All in all it was a big spectacle and a very successful event, which has resulted in 1 second edition to be held in 2020.
In the meantime the eyelash extensions business has been expanding steadily and is here to stay, for a big part thanks to the lash eXtend brand. Lash eXtend as a company is still expanding its activities rapidly to a multitude of countries and has become an industry leader by innovating and inspiring lots of people to pursue a career in the beauty industry. Currently Yvonne is managing the company and its marketing campaigns and runs operations together with 20 colleagues and regularly acts as international judge during international competitions across the world.